Group 49

The consumer

Since 1 January 2016, any consumer has the right to resort, free of charge, to a consumer mediator, with a view to the amicable resolution of a dispute with a professional. We are authorised to handle consumer disputes with companies and federations that have signed an agreement with the CMAP.
The list of these professionals is available here.

To contact us, we suggest you:  

You will find below the conditions for validating your referral:

  • You are an individual,
  • The company has signed an agreement with the CMAP,
  • You have made prior written representations to the company more than one month ago,
  • Your application is written in French,
  • You have not referred the matter to another mediator or to the courts,
  • Your request for mediation is made less than one year after your last request to the company,
  • The dispute falls within the scope of the CMAP
  • You undertake to respect the confidentiality of the mediation process,

If these conditions are not met, your referral will not be validated by the Centre. You will be informed of this within three weeks of reception of your file.

What is consumer mediation?

SinceOrder no. 2015-1033 of 20 August 2015 concerning alternative consumer dispute resolution, completed by Decree no. 2015-1382 of 30 October 2015 on mediation consumer disputes, “every consumer has the right to refer his/her case to a mediator specialised in consumer disputes for free to help solve a conflict with traders. The professional guarantees the consumer an effective access to a consumer mediation device”. These texts have been codified in Articles L611-1 to L616-3 and R612-1 to R616-2 of the French Consumer Code.

In view of this new regulation which transposes European Directive no.2013/11/UE of 21 May 2013 concerning extrajudicial consumer conflicts, the CMAP provides consumer mediation services to all companies seeking to sustain their relationships with their consumers.

The CMAP is competent to settle consumer disputes in the business areas of the companies that have entrusted their disputes to it.

Useful websites:

You are a company, and you wish to designate the CMAP as a consumer mediator: contact us.